BE x Timberland: Built For the Bold
Built for Bold?
Marketing themselves as a company that’s built for the bold, Timberland is one of the leading apparel and accessories brand, most well known for their iconic waterproof boots. On 1st September 2022, aiming to put its current campaign tagline to the test, Beyond Expeditions had the privilege of hosting 47 Timberland employees for their corporate team-building event. Unaware of the series of muscle-crunching activities lined up for them, this was Timberland crews’ chance to prove to their world (and to their company, of course) that they were truly built for the bold. You could also check our Instagram Highlights that we made for more Behind the Scenes from the event!

Life on the Line
When your life's on the line, what should you do? Tug hard on your opponents’ line, of course. After a quick ice-breaking session to help our guides Dzul, Kavita, Kelly, Scott, Tony and Yongxi understand every Timberland member better, it was time to kickstart the day with a good old game of Tug-of-War. As each Timberland crew wore the anti-abrasion gloves, paired with their ever so comfortable Timberland boots and outdoor apparel, it was clear they could all pass off as Timberland’s brand ambassadors. Split into 6 teams, with each team grabbing onto each end of the rope, the determination in each team members’ eyes shone brighter than the sun. And mind you, it was a very, very, sunny day.
3, 2, 1, let the games begin. As every person tugged onto the rope with their dear lives, feet parked so deep into the soil that it was more rooted to the ground than the trees that surrounded them. Hand-in-hand, or rather, hand-in-rope, the essence of camaraderie within each team could be felt as both teams put in their 110%. Alas, as one team successfully pulled the middle of the rope across the mid-point marker, and everyone collapsed to the ground in both exhaustion and satisfaction.

As the Timberland crew lay frollicking in the grass, they looked at the guides in anticipation, not knowing what’s to come. The guides gleefully looked at the Timberland crew’s drained faces, cheekily getting the next activity ready.
An inextinguishable Fire
By now, we all knew that the Timberland crew’s grit, determination and passion were inextinguishable. However, would they be able to start a real fire that is as inextinguishable as their spirits? Let’s find out! Grabbing as many fire-starting materials as they could, the Timberland crew used only a bushcraft knife and a ferrocerium rod to start their fire. Hence, with much motivation and grit, they set off to forage natural materials from around the yurt camp. After setting up all the necessary materials, the perspiration dripping from their foreheads made it clear that this was no easy feat. While the blazing hot sun glared down at the Timberland crew’s initially futile efforts to start their fire, the Timberland crew displayed the genuinity of teamwork, collaborating and working hand in hand to create the spark that would determine their success. Despite the many failures the Timberland crew faced, they majestically took it in their stride, trying again and again. Even our guides were impressed and influenced by the Timberland crews’ tenacity, joining in to help the Timberland crew in their fire-starting endeavours. Soon enough, a spark could be seen, followed by another spark, and finally, a beautiful flame had blossomed. The flame pranced on the slabs of fire wood, and the Timberland crews’ pupils reflected the flame’s movements. It was truly a moment never to be forgotten, for it was the fruit of each and every Timberland crew’s (not to mention our guides too) efforts.

Now, it was one thing to start the fire, and it’s another thing to sustain it. Do you think the mighty, bold, Timberland crew have what it takes to cook their team’s dinner by boiling enough rice with the fire they’ve started? Let’s find out.
Rocket Science? No, It’s Rocket Stove Making!
For our next segment, it was time for the Timberland crew to get down and dirty. Becoming carpenters for the day, the crew were tasked to mould wooden stumps and craft a rocket stove. As this was a first time experience for many of them, there were several mandatory precautions that needed to be followed. One important precaution is that when drilling the wooden stump, Timberland crew members would need to wear slice-proof gloves. This was to prevent them from accidentally cutting themselves from getting splinters due to the wood chips that may be protruding from the branches while using the Scotch Eye Auger. It was safe to say that on that very day, nobody wanted a splinter, and so every Timberland crew abided by the safety precautions.
Powering through, the Timberland crew mustered all the strength they had, twisting and turning the Scotch Eye Auger to create two holes big enough for the fire to blaze through. Alas, after a good arm workout, the rocket stove had come to life, and the Timberland crew were excited to accomplish mission ‘Boil Eggs!’
Bushcraft Wooden Chair
While waiting for the eggs and rice to cook, it could be seen on their faces that the Timberland crew really wanted a break. But how were they to take a break if they had nowhere to sit and rest? Let’s get down to business and build a bushcraft chair!
Putting their gloves back on, the Timberland crew exercised precaution when holding onto the Scotch Eye Auger, they are a lot sharper than you think! One by one, they each took turns shaving off the edges of the wood trunk with hatchets, slowly but surely transforming it into the perfect chair leg. There was so much pure energy in the room, with everyone helping each other out despite the fatigue and heat. Being thrown into the wilderness after working in a corporate environment for a while really made the Timberland crew step out of their comfort zones, allowing them to not only tap into their inner adventurer, but also gives them the opportunity to immerse themselves into nature together with their colleagues. Although not all of them came in from the same department in Timberland, it was very certain that they would all go back as one family. The cohesiveness of the Timberland crew even made our guides feel left out! Nonetheless, isn’t it amazing to see what a few hours can do to a group of people who came in not knowing each other that well?
As the wood pieces started coming together, the excitement and joy that came with it felt like a kid opening presents on Christmas: it was absolutely memorable. After the makeshift chair had been put together, it was time for the real test: can it withstand a human’s weight?
One by one, each of the Timberland crew took turns to sit on the makeshift chair. Person after person, the chair proved its worth by showing off how sturdy it was. I guess you could say that the chair passed the vibe check. Just as the last person took their turn to sit on the makeshift chair, testing its limits, it was time for dinner! Prepared vegan style and filled with loads of nutrients, it was vegetable curry cooked out in the wild, the perfect meal for the Timberland crew to refuel. Together, everyone sat in a perfect, wholesome circle around the fire and watched the sun set, creating a gorgeous sunset view, the ideal way to end off the day.
Until Next Time
As the workshop came to an end, it was astonishing as the Timberland crew realised that the entire experience ended as quickly as it had started. As the crew bid their farewells, it was a sad moment for all. However, the contented smiles on everyone’s facing was enough to brighten the mood (and the night sky). As much as we, Beyond Expeditions, enjoyed hosting Timberland, we too, hope that the Timberland crew enjoyed themselves as well; and we hope to see them again very very soon!
If you are reading this and think that this might be the place for you and your colleagues, think no further! Come and experience the wilderness now with Beyond Expeditions. Simply email us and we will be delighted to assist you!
Article Written By: Chloe
Freelance content writer and copy writer since 2021 and currently pursuing a full-time Economics degree in Singapore Management University (SMU).